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Trolling USA

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--- Цитат на: buratinob в Февруари 13, 2023, 19:50:41 ---В други думи, НОРАД засича повече обекти, защото ги търси
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Е сега вече ме убедиха, че са наистина НЛО, а не false flag за отвличане на вниманието. Щом замазват работата по такъв начин, работата е много размазана.

Экс-сотрудник спецслужб США Эдвард Сноуден считает, что паника вокруг возможного инопланетного происхождения сбитых над США и Канадой воздушных объектов призвана отвлечь журналистов от расследования подрыва "Северного потока".

Banana Joe Maldonado:

--- Quote (selected) ---"Bannon Warns Joe Biden: Preserve This —Your drug addict sexual deviant son is a disgrace to his country—the country he sold out for cash —the upcoming hearings will put forth to the American people and the World what lowlife scum he is and you are ...," the ex-Trump adviser wrote in a Gettr post...

"The Biden Crime Family is financially compromised by the highest levels of the CCP [Chinese Communist Party]," Bannon said Sunday, adding that the "Laptop from Hell is a road map."

He continued: "Cross that with bank records, travel records, phone/ email record and you pop the Traitors—traitors that sold their country out for cold hard CCP cash."

On Wednesday, the GOP-led House committee held a hearing over Twitter's decision to temporarily prevent its users from sharing the Hunter Biden laptop story that was reported by the New York Post
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Ако ги подредим по дати, балонът се надуваше до миналия понеделник, вторник е Речта на Байдън, сряда е комисията с лаптопа на Хънтър, и пак в сряда, се появява "частичното самопризнание" за тръбите (оргиналдъ тук). Сноудън  :think:

--- Quote (selected) ---Before I came to office, the story was about how the People’s Republic of China was increasing its power and America was failing in the world.  Not anymore.

We made clear and I made clear in my personal conversations, which have been many, with President Xi that we seek competition, not conflict.  But I will make no apologies that we’re investing and — to make America stronger.

Investing in American innovation and industries that will define the future that China intends to be dominating.

Investing in our alliances and working with our allies to protect advanced technologies so they will not be used against us.

Modernizing our military to safeguard stability and determine — deter aggression.

Today, we’re in the strongest position in decades to compete with China or anyone else in the world.  Anyone else in the world.  (Applause.)

And I’m committed — I’m committed to work with China where we can advance American interests and benefit the world.  But make no mistake about it: As we made clear last week, if China threatens our sovereignty, we will act to protect our country.  And we did.  (Applause.)

Look, let’s be clear: Winning the competition should unite all of us.

We face serious challenges across the world.  But in the past two years, democracies have become stronger, not weaker.  Autocracies have grown weaker, not stronger.

Name me a world leader who’d change places with Xi Jinping.  Name me one.  Name me one.

America is rallying the world to meet those challenges — from climate to global health to food insecurity to terrorism to territorial aggression.

Allies are stepping up, spending more, and doing more.  Look, the bridges we’re forming between partners in the Pacific and those in the Atlantic.  And those who bet against America are learning how wrong they are.  It’s never, ever been a good bet to bet against America.  Never.  (Applause.)



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Модернизират си армията.
Една нова армия без оръжия и боеприпаси.
С това темпо едно произвеждаш две утилизирап в Украйна скоро на Земята ще настъпи Рай без оръжия. :)))

НЛО в небето над Румъния
Румънските власти са приложили всички стандартни процедури от момента на откриването на обекта. Два самолета МиГ-21 Лансър на румънските военновъздушни сили от бойната служба на въздушната полиция под командването на НАТО излетяха от 86-а авиобаза Фетещ около 12.40 ч. и се насочиха към района, където е докладвана въздушната цел.
Екипажите не са я засекли нито визуално, нито на бордовите радари.
По-рано през деня Република Молдова временно затвори въздушното си пространство от 11:24 до 14:47 ч., "за да се гарантира безопасността и сигурността на гражданската авиация"


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