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Юни 23, 2024, 05:47:05

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Публикации - Дозирис 2.0

Страници: 1 ... 52 53 54 55 56 [57] 58 59 60
Понастоящем съм агностик. Може би донякъде и поради тая причина.

Съвестта не е право, а усещане. Никой не може да ми наложи ограничения на чувствата и мислите. Ни закони, ни макони.

Свободата на съвестта и на вероизповеданието не може да бъде насочена срещу националната сигурност, обществения ред, народното здраве и морала или срещу правата и свободите на други граждани.

Плюя на това. Никой не може да се разпорежда със съвестта ми.

До там ли изпаднаха антизатоплистите - да борят португалската Wikipedia... Жалка история.

Трябва да се чете с разбиране. Не боря Уикипедия, а показвам до какви низости стига затоплистката пропаганда.

Although the Earth’s surface average temperature is rising since 1850 due mostly to anthropogenic greenhouse gases emissions, the existence and the attribution of global warming are sometimes disputed outside the peer-reviewed literature. This article investigates whether climate skeptics’ claims are admitted in Wikipedia, the encyclopedia that anyone can edit. We carried a case study involving 93 global warming–related articles in Portuguese Wikipedia, analyzing their revision history from the perspective of Actor–Network Theory in two moments (2014 and 2017). We found that while “Aquecimento global” and other highly accessed articles support thoroughly anthropogenic climate change, it was not the case until 2012, long after the question had been settled by scientists; claims disputing the human influence on the climate remain in some articles. The enforcement of Wikipedia policies was crucial to ensure that anthropogenic climate change would prevail and that the collaborative encyclopedia would become a spokesperson for climate science.


Enforcement в името на правдата...

Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Ноември 17, 2019, 09:24:54 »
Assassination - Circles Within Circles


Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Ноември 16, 2019, 14:37:57 »
Notre Dame - My Ride Into Afterlife


Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Ноември 16, 2019, 14:30:23 »

Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Ноември 14, 2019, 05:28:22 »

повече изпарение, повече облаци, повече дъжд...
И по-малко пек. Хоп - саморегулация!
Само колкото да забави затоплянето.
Колко малко?
Айде пак ядрената зима. Не позиционирам продуктово ракетките, може да е космически камънак:
Имаш рязко и брутално вмешателство в системата. И казват че ще се саморегулира за петилетка.

Може и едно изригване на вулкан. Казват повече неща:


Modern genetics will improve health and usher in “designer” children

It may also provoke an ethical storm

SOMETIME NEXT year, if all goes to plan, a gay male couple in California will have a child. The child in question will have been conceived by in vitro fertilisation. In this case a group of eggs from a female donor are now being fertilised by sperm from both fathers (half from one, half from the other). Of the resulting embryos, the couple will choose one to be implanted in a surrogate mother. An uplifting tale of the times, then, but hardly a newsworthy event. Except that it is.

Where the story becomes newsworthy is around the word “choose”. For the parents, in conjunction with a firm called Genomic Prediction, will pick the lucky embryo based on a genetically estimated risk of disease. Such pre-implantation testing is already used in some places, in cases where there is a chance of parents passing on a condition, such as Tay-Sachs disease, that is caused by a single faulty gene. Genomic Prediction is, however, offering something more wide-ranging. It is screening embryos for almost 1m single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). These are places where individual genomes routinely differ from one another at the level of an individual genetic letter. Individual SNP differences between people rarely have much effect. But add them up and they can raise or lower by quite a lot the likelihood of someone suffering a particular disease. Generate several embryos and SNP-test them, then, and you can pick out those that you think will grow up to be the healthiest.


Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Ноември 10, 2019, 07:55:00 »
From Man To Dust - How Can They Be So Blind 2.0


Рисковете около климата трябва да бъдат включени в оценката на системните рискове на банките и произтичащите от това допълнителни капиталови изисквания, посочва Norges Bank

Сега е моментът да се инвестира зад Полярния кръг. След пет години там ще е като на Карибите. Ескимоси ще разнасят коктейли по плажа.

Пак философстваш неподготвен. >:(




On the other side of the burgeoning Cold War, the Soviet Union was no less enthusiastic about the geo-engineering possibilities of nuclear power and atomic weapons. In fact, the Stalin-era Soviet government was particularly enthused with the idea of hurrying climate change along for the possibilities of opening its frigid Siberian east to thriving agriculture and bringing subtropical crops to the shores of the Black Sea. In a 1956 book called Soviet Electric Power, Arkadii Borisovich Markin suggested that, “Atom explosions will cut new canyons through mountain ranges and will speedily create canals, reservoirs, and seas [and] carry out huge excavation jobs.” The author brushed aside the obvious concerns, assuming that science would soon “find a method of protection against the radiation.” Soviet scientists proposed how to dam the Bering Strait and use massive nuclear-powered pumps to heat the Arctic Ocean.


Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Ноември 06, 2019, 06:21:51 »
JINJER - Pisces (Live Session)


Това е, което наблюдаваме с очите си:

Wreckage и разните му там "учени" са хванали отрязъка, в който спринтьорът набира скорост, и го развяват като знаме. Но тва не е цялата картинка.

А е факт, че средното си върви надолу. За да не признаеш тоя факт, взе да спамиш. На мен моментално ми доскуча. Сигурно това ти е целта.

Боли ме фара кво разправят. Ако беше отворил линка по-горе, щеше да видиш кво са разправяли през 70-те. Врели-некипели. Както казах, докато има овце за стригане, ше има и стригачи.

Е как ще е очевидно, когато 2018 е по-студена от предните две? 2017 пък е по-студена от 2016. Очевидно вървят надолу.

Кое средно? Това на Hateras:

И по-чести, и по-чести... пък в един момент пак ще почнат да ни плашат с ледников период. После пак със затопляне. После... докато има овце за стригане.
Не, от къде ти хрумна? Средното си върви нагоре, няма промяна.

Ама не да ми извадиш статистика за последните сто години, а да докажеш именно каквото твърдиш - СРЕДНОТО СИ ВЪРВИ НАГОРЕ.
Тоест, ти не отричаш, че за последните стотина години има покачване на средната температура? И се опитваш да се измъкнеш, като вадиш думите ми от контекста на темата?

Тоест нямам идея дали има покачване. Ти имаш ли, или се доверяваш на данните, които ти снасят? И изобщо не се опитвам да се измъкна, а имам предвид това:

Върви ли си нагоре средното? Ми не, не върви нагоре.

Видях го публикувано в друг форум...

Jamie Bruesehoff
November 1 at 4:17 PM ·

Today, this kid showed her strength once again. Today, she did something that was hard and scary. Today, she made herself proud.⁣

Today, Rebekah had her second surgical procedure to place a hormone blocking implant in her arm to prevent her from progressing farther into puberty. This is one example of what medically appropriate, medically necessary, life-affirming, and often literally life-saving treatment looks like for a transgender child.

This was a replacement implant, as she first had this procedure two years ago.⁣ The first picture is her two years ago, and the second is today. 💜

That is the face of a girl terrified of hospitals and needles, but more terrified of having to live life as someone she is not. That is the face of a girl feeling on top of the world, knowing her body won’t betray her and she’s one step closer to the woman she will grow up to be.⁣

Today, I’m thankful for top notch medical facilities and physicians. I’m thankful for ongoing and growing research and guidelines. I’m thankful for health insurance that covered my kid’s medically necessary treatment. And I’m extra thankful and proud to say that the insurance covering this procedure for my transgender daughter is provided to my husband through his employer... the church.⁣

With news of further discrimination out of the White House spreading and GOP lawmakers in multiples states trying to prohibit gender affirming, life saving care like this for minors, I’m immensely grateful for my child’s medical care. EVERY kid deserves access to that care. We must fight those who want to prevent kids like her from living the lives they deserve. ⁣

ALLIES, we need you. Pay attention. Speak up. Stop the spread of misinformation. This is not abuse. This is allowing my child to live her best life.⁣

This is posted with Rebekah Bruesehoff’s permission. Always with her permission.

After first implant in 2017

After her replacement implant today, 2019.


И по-чести, и по-чести... пък в един момент пак ще почнат да ни плашат с ледников период. После пак със затопляне. После... докато има овце за стригане.
Не, от къде ти хрумна? Средното си върви нагоре, няма промяна.

ПАК ще покажа "откъде" ми е хрумнало. Малко взе да ми омръзва, но няма как.


Сега ще помоля да докажеш твърдението си:

"Средното си върви нагоре, няма промяна".

Ама не да ми извадиш статистика за последните сто години, а да докажеш именно каквото твърдиш - СРЕДНОТО СИ ВЪРВИ НАГОРЕ.

И по-чести, и по-чести... пък в един момент пак ще почнат да ни плашат с ледников период. После пак със затопляне. После... докато има овце за стригане.

Record Low Temps, Up To 50 Degrees Below Normal, Threaten To Wreck Rest Of Harvest Season


Учените очакват обектите, уловени от „Хъбъл“, да се слеят в една голяма галактика в рамките на един до два милиарда години.

Ще дочакат!  :0005:

Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Октомври 23, 2019, 20:02:04 »
Ozzy Osbourne (Irvine Meadows 1982) Goodbye to Romance


Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Октомври 21, 2019, 17:34:19 »

Теми на форумците … / Re: БРЕКЗИТ
« -: Октомври 21, 2019, 11:10:26 »
Още ли ви е интересна тая постановка?

I bought a new property to shoot primitive technology videos on. The new area is dense tropical rainforest with a permanent creek. Starting completely from scratch, my first project was to build a simple dome hut and make a fire. First, I took some wood, Abroma mollis, for fire sticks. I knapped a small stone blade and used it to strip the fire sicks. Palm fibre was then taken for the tinder. The fire stick kit was then placed under a palm leaf to keep it out of the rain.
Next, a stone from the creek was fashioned into a simple hand axe. This was used to cut a staff that was used to clear a path to the hut location. The location for the hut was a clearing densely crowded by native raspberry. This was then cleared using the staff and a small 2.5 m circle was levelled ready for building.
Eight 2.75 m long saplings were cut using the hand axe and brought to the site. Eight holes about 25 cm deep were hammered into the ground in a circle 2.5 m in diameter and the saplings were then planted in. The tops were brought together at the top and tied with vine. A door lintel stick was lashed to the front about 75 cm off the ground giving a low door way.
A stone flake was used to cut about 600 palm fronds. These were split and lashed horizontally to the frame creating a thatched dome. Mosquitoes are a real problem here so a fire was lit. The fire sticks from before had a hole carved in the base boards and had a notch carved to let the powder pour out.
The spindle was twirled in the socket and smoking powder poured out producing a hot coal. This then ignited the palm fibre tinder. The fire was transferred to the hut and a small hearth was made of stones. The fire makes a big difference in the number of mosquitoes which seem unable to tolerate the smoke. The dome was completed up to the top and a small cap was made from lawyer cane and fronds to place on the top to keep rain out. When not in use the cap can be removed to let in more light like a sky light.
Finally wood was cut for a bed. This consisted of wooden stakes hammered into the ground at the back of the hut behind the fire pit. Part of the bed frame is attached to the sapling uprights that form the dome. This works ok without the frame shaking too much due to the low attachment point of the bed. Wooden boards were then placed on this and were covered with palm fibre for bedding. Firewood is stored just inside the entrance on the left side of the door looking in. The bed sits behind the fire pit so smoke and flames deter insects or large animals reaching the occupant. Fire sticks and tools are kept just inside the right side of the entrance.
The small hut is simple to build and creates a small, dry shelter for camping and storing tools. Though it is dark, the cap can be removed in fine weather to provide a fairly well-lit workspace protected from annoying insects. This new area has good stone, clay and materials lending themselves to elaborate shelters. A permanent creek runs through it. Mosquitoes are abundant here though and will be an issue. The Cassowary, a large, horned, flightless bird lives in this forest. It’s the most dangerous bird in the world, but generally only attacks when threatened.



Може да се окаже полезно... в даден момент.

I am a trans woman – but I think this woke world has gone too far

These days it's simply too easy to get a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, and I fear the repercussions. I have zero doubts in my mind that soon enough we will have teens and adults stepping forward who were convinced they were trans at a young age, only to grow up and realize they aren't. Some boys are just effeminate and some girls are just a bit masculine, but today, society is going out of its way to tell them they're trans.

A scary thought for a community that seems to already run on fear.


По света … / Re: Китай
« -: Октомври 15, 2019, 06:44:38 »


Съобщено в новините по БНТ на 11 септ. 2019 г. в 20:00 hrs.

От вчера до днес температурата в Денвър, щата Колорадо в САЩ, е паднала в рамките на 12 часа от +28 градуса по Целзий до под нулата.

И какво е това освен КЛИМАТИЧНА АНОМАЛИЯ, дължаща се на промените в климата в резултат на Глобалното ЗАТОПЛЯНЕ или Глобалното ЗАСТУДЯВАНЕ?!
:t9411: :tongue-out: :t9409:

During the winter and spring it is not unheard of to see temperature swings of 50 degrees or more within one calendar day.  During the winter months this is most often associated with a strong arctic cold front which drops temperatures from the 60s or 70s down into the 10s and 20s within a few hours.  These strong cold fronts originate in the arctic regions of Canada and can plunge southward very quickly across the western High Plains.  The cold fronts are often stronger and move faster in this region due to the orientation of the Rocky Mountains. Northeast winds behind the front pile cold air up against the mountains, and the air has nowhere else to go but south.  Temperature drops of 40 degrees have occurred in a matter of minutes as these fronts come through.


Още подобни "аномалии": https://ggweather.com/climate/extremes_us.htm

Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Октомври 09, 2019, 18:50:42 »

Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Август 18, 2019, 10:27:49 »
Нека пак е Тангра.



На живо.

Честита неделя!  :blow_kisses-1105:

Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Август 15, 2019, 07:16:45 »
Добро утро! За любителите на анимационни филмчета:

OBITUARY - Ten Thousand Ways To Die (Official Music Video)



Я да вдигна темичката с поздрав за всички колеги


Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Август 07, 2019, 18:56:53 »
Тангра - Завръщане


Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Август 04, 2019, 10:33:55 »
Radiohead - Karma Police


Честита неделя!  :happy-3336:

The case against science is straightforward: much of the
scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.
Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects,
invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts
of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing
fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has
taken a turn towards darkness. As one participant put
it, “poor methods get results”. The Academy of Medical
Sciences, Medical Research Council, and Biotechnology
and Biological Sciences Research Council have now put
their reputational weight behind an investigation into
these questionable research practices. The apparent
endemicity of bad research behaviour is alarming. In their
quest for telling a compelling story, scientists too often
sculpt data to fit their preferred theory of the world. Or they
retrofit hypotheses to fit their data. Journal editors deserve
their fair share of criticism too. We aid and abet the worst
behaviours. Our acquiescence to the impact factor fuels
an unhealthy competition to win a place in a select few
journals. Our love of “significance” pollutes the literature
with many a statistical fairy-tale. We reject important
confirmations. Journals are not the only miscreants.
Universities are in a perpetual struggle for money and
talent, endpoints that foster reductive metrics, such as
high-impact publication. National assessment procedures,
such as the Research Excellence Framework, incentivise
bad practices. And individual scientists, including their
most senior leaders, do little to alter a research culture that
occasionally veers close to misconduct.


The Lancet е ежеседмично рецензирано общомедицинско научно списание. То е сред най-известните, стари и най-авторитетни общи списания по медицина. The Lancet е основано през 1823 г. от Томас Уоклей, английски хирург, нарекъл го в чест на ланцета, хирургически инструмент.

Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Юли 26, 2019, 23:13:09 »
Eliminator - Time Is On Your Side


Разбира се. Имаш проблем с отварянето на линка ли? Anyway...


Many fans have wondered why, after stating that his inventions never work, Doc Brown would put himself and Marty in the path of the DeLorean going 88 mph. Well, some fans have explained this conundrum away with a rather dark theory. For them, Doc Brown, depressed from his failure as an inventor, has chosen to take his life through one of his inventions. The theory just becomes darker when you consider he forced Marty to participate, leading some to consider it a murder-suicide attempt. Luckily, the DeLorean was the one invention Doc could get to work!


Fans have always wondered why Marty’s parents never recognized him when he grew up, but, in this fan theory, they did! Or, at least George did. The theory states that George figured it out slowly with building evidence; finding out his visit from an alien involved two of the largest space franchises of all time, coming home to a burned carpet, and the words of Calvin echoing in his head to “go easy on him”, along with all the other little details. But, fans state, George never told Marty because he knew his son needed to go back in time the exact same way. Good old George, being responsible with time travel!


Some of the favorite fan theories are the darkest. In this theory, fans say Marty actually died in that tunnel, trying to get the almanac back from Biff. Distraught by Marty’s death, Doc goes back in time to save Marty. How else do you explain Doc dropping the rope at the exact moment needed to save his favorite McFly?


Fans of BTTF know that paradoxes must be avoided at all costs. Some fans actually take it further, believing the DeLorean broke down to avoid paradoxes. In this theory, somehow the DeLorean is sentient enough to break down at the perfect time to avoid a paradox, including breaking down where no one in 1955 will find a car from the 80’s and stalling so that the car will hit the wire at the precise moment of the lightening strike! This time traveling car from the 80s can even fix Doc Brown’s calculations!


Here’s another “Dark Doc” theory from the fans. Fans think, in an effort to stop the potential paradox of Marty meeting himself, Doc does something very dark. Instead of Marty watching Doc send himself off to the past, fans think Doc sends the second Marty, Marty B, to his death. In some theories, Doc convinces Marty B to die and in others, he never tells him. Gruesome and bad luck Marty B, the Marty Martyr.


Some Whovian fans argue that Doc Brown is really a Timelord! At the end of the third movie Doc says he’s already been to the future, indicating he is much older than he appears, just like a certain doctor we all know. Adding fuel to this theory is Doc’s love of bowties, his pet dogs (never forget K-9), his penchant for inventing things to get out of sticky situations, and his current travel companion, Clara. Fantastic!


Richard Kelly is a huge fan of Back to the Future, so much so that there’s a DeLorean reference in Donnie Darko, a film he directed. Fans also believe that Donnie Darko is Kelly’s fanfiction ode to the Marty Martyr theory. Just replace Donnie with Marty B, the rabbit with Doc, and Gretchen with Jennifer. Spooky!


Fans explain away our lack of hoverboards in 2015 by stating we’re actually in the alternate timeline created by Marty and Doc. There are two explanations usually given here. In one, the man Marty hit while racing was actually going to a meeting about hoverboards. If Marty had hit him, he wouldn’t have made the meeting and wouldn’t have been able to turn down hover technology , causing the boards to be made (although, who would deny the world hoverboards?). Since Marty changed history by not racing, the man was never hit and went to the meeting, and ended up turning down the hoverboard idea. In another theory, Doc actually created the hoverboards but, since he’s living in the past with Clara now, he never made our favorite technology.


You’ve made it! The mother of all theories! This theory was proposed by Robert Lockard and can be found in full here. In short, the theory states that the BTTF franchise is one big chiasmus, aka it has perfect symmetry. He argues that the first and third movies are symmetrical and the 2nd movie mirrors itself. For example, the first movie starts with Marty being blown back by Doc’s amp and talking to him on the phone and the final movie ends with Marty and Jennifer being blown back by Doc and talking to him once more. Woah…


And there you have it! Ten fan theories sure to make you say…

Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Юли 25, 2019, 14:27:42 »

Ever wonder why Marty’s parents didn’t recognize him, why the DeLorean kept breaking down, or where our hoverboards are already? Well, in celebration of Back to the Future Day, Geek & Sundry has compiled a list of the top 10 fan theories about Back to the Future. Let’s take a look at some of what the amazing fans of this series has come up with and take a trip back, back to the future!


Ever wondered what happened to Jennifer? In reality, Claudia Wells, the first Jennifer, was unable to reprise the role due to her mother becoming ill. The studio recast Elisabeth Shue for Back to the Future II and III and reshot the final footage of BTTF with Shue instead of Wells for BTTF 2’s opening. Fans, however, have a content-driven theory.

According to fans, when Marty went back to 1955, something he did messed with the timeline(s) of Jennifer’s parents. As a result, the circumstances of her birth weren’t the same and her looks ended up slightly different. Pretty cool way to explain a cast change!




Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Юли 06, 2019, 20:28:37 »
Trivium - A Gunshot To The Head Of Trepidation


Тва си е диско отвсякъде, но готино диско.  :beer-405:

Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Юли 04, 2019, 01:31:48 »
СПЛИН — Чудак [Клип]


Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Юли 01, 2019, 16:36:08 »
Paradise Lost - Cardinal Zero


по-голяма справедливост

е нонсенс. Справедливостта или я има, или я няма.


Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Юни 28, 2019, 14:09:39 »

Теми на форумците … / Re: За РобПрес - 2
« -: Юни 24, 2019, 13:06:28 »
Наистина ли не виждаш разликата!?
Каква разлика, какви пет цента?!?
Намери си орифиналния туит на простака и чети!
Цитирал съм го най-отгоре!

Donald J. Trump


For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon - We did that 50 years ago. They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part), Defense and Science!

Явно и Мъск нещо не е разбрал:

Musk ridiculed for tweeting picture of Moon with ‘Occupy Mars’ catch



Ердоган е типичен римейнър - избори до дупка  :yes-1289:

Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Юни 21, 2019, 19:13:54 »
Аквариум - Господу Видней


Вода нормальная!



Теми на форумците … / Re: Музиката?
« -: Юни 19, 2019, 11:21:38 »
Александр Васильев - Скоро будет солнечно


Страници: 1 ... 52 53 54 55 56 [57] 58 59 60