На мен от звездите ми го говорят разправят, че това е последният ден на Атлантида, преди да си замине. Ама все пак атлантите са повечето преродени в Америка в наши дни, ние не знам що им се радваме, веднъж потопили света, пак ще го потопят.
"The Last Days of Atlantis. ..Your transition from your October to November month is the anniversary of its destruction. This is why even though it has turned into something else, turned into a different translation, this is however the original reason why you have All Hallows Eve, (Halloween) and the idea of All Souls Day and All Saints Day. October 31st, November 1st, November 2nd. The day before the destruction, the day of the destruction, that day after the destruction of Atlantis. That is the original reason for those Holy-days, in remembrance of that.”