За Европа не ми се търси, както отбелязах по-горе, щото тоя линк го взех наготово, само проверих оригинален ли е.
Който има желание, да търси.
Обаче имам транскрипт на едно много интересно интервю, линк съм пускала тук. Жената е професионалист и казва това -
The first point is that the BioNTech vaccine that is currently already being used is not highly purified,
it contains contaminants of certain components. This is in the EMA’s Open Assessment Report, the Agency that has granted the authorisation to this vaccine. The EMA has written this report, and covers this point.
Basically the EMA Committee’s report has two main sections: one is about Good Manufacturing Practice, GMP, i.e. all the production processes, purification, how good the quality is and the monitoring mechanisms. And the second section is the preclinical study.
In the first section on the GMP they have done very good work ....
But their approach to the second section concerning side effects was in stark contrast to that.
We know that normally vaccine development takes a very long time. It’s not just the clinical phase: with this vaccine, it’s set at three times two and a half years, i.e., three phases of 2.5 years each plus the evaluation phase, which makes 7 ½ years in total. And then one shouldn’t forget that the production optimisation is also important, at least a year would surely be needed for that. That hasn’t taken place at all.
и т.н., четете си ужасяващото интервю сами, това, което се казва, обаче, е -
VSK: Yes, that’s exactly how I see it.
They have a deadline of the end of July of this year for these investigations, and then the decision will be made as to whether the vaccine receives final authorisation or not; it only has a temporary authorisation at the moment from what I understand. The problem is that all these analysis techniques, protocols, all these commitments they have to make, it’s all running parallel to the vaccines actually being administered – that’s what’s so disastrous.
Dr. H:
At the same time the EU Commission in the person of its President has given clear instructions to have most adults vaccinated by JulyС две думи, има много пропуски в производството на ваксината с абсолютно неясни последици, ваксините са ЗАМЪРСЕНИ, ЕМА е дала срок за отстраняването им до края на юли 2021, а в същото време се настоява да се ваксинират колкото се може повече хора точно до края на юли 2021.
Това е линка
http://enformtk.u-aizu.ac.jp/howard/gcep_dr_vanessa_schmidt_krueger/?fbclid=IwAR1we4j8kJ3fwyLajLkvvqsx2KVKtBp82Y44Y8QtOU70qYbQ_ZsylPYDDNkТърсете EMA’s Open Assessment Report за бионтех ваксината.