Значи ако ви интересува, ще го потърся, вече съм го пускала в стария форум. Крион, който нарича себе си Крион от Магнитната служба, а понякога обяснява, че е от нивото на свитата на арх. Михаил...доста е шашаво дотук. Но обясненията му са съвсем логични. Като например:
Who said that the cosmic lattice was linear? Who said that the energy that you can't see follows the same paradigm as what you can see? Oh, before this channel is over, I'm going to give you some puzzles. So here's another prediction: Science will begin to look for missing dimensions to explain missing energy! And it's about time. And that's the way of it. So it's time to reveal the shape of the Universe, and the push/pull action within dimensional shifts that cause your Universe to do what it does, and show you what it does. Many of the things that you continually observe are hints of it, but they're misinterpreted.
In four dimensions, your physics makes a lot of sense. When you step out of 4D and become interdimensional, however, all those logical rules of physics change...
The Speed of Light - Discarding a rule of physics
Before we get into the puzzle of the actual shape of the Universe, I have another prediction. In order to give it, however, I have to lay the groundwork. Let me engage in some plain talk here. I'll give you one of the postulates of your modern scientific thinking: The speed of light is absolute, and everything, speedwise, is measured against it, since it's the fastest thing you can see or measure. It has become a yardstick of astronomy and a standard. The idea of "time" being variable (and it is) is also dependent upon how fast you travel. All of this has become your reality using that magic number, the speed of light. Watch for this; it's going to happen. There's going to come a time when there's an acknowledgment that the speed of light is variable! The reality is that it is indeed different all over the Universe depending on the dimensionality attributes of where it's being measured. There are many speeds of light, and it depends upon where you're standing and what you're looking at. ...
Look for postulates of multidimensional areas in space, and also postulates of light changing its speed from place to place, depending upon the formula around localized reality, especially the time frame. By the way, this will also begin to explain why there was no "big bang...
So I've just given you the shape of the Universe, but it hasn't helped you one bit. Even so, now I'm going to complicate it. The Universe as you know it is pasted upon the inside and the outside of this toroidal tube. You look out and see the Universe as a shape that suits your expected reality. You don't see the curves, since light is supposed to travel in a straight line. It doesn't... it never has. In an interdimensional paradigm, you could be looking at something where the light from an object comes to you through a convoluted, twisting path, but within your 4D reality, you would swear that it was a "straight shot" to the object, since this is what you expect to see. The truth lies within a scope of reality outside what you expect or have experienced, so it's tough to describe it to you.
Now, in a closed, contained 4D shape like a toroid, there's no path from the inside to the outside. (Think of it as a closed pipe in a circle, with the ends connected together.) Yet, I've just told you that your Universe exists on both the inside and outside surfaces at once. So you might go to a model of a toroid and examine it to see how this might work... to have something on the surface of the inside and the outside at the same time. However, there's nothing you can do in 4D to create that path, even if you snip the toroid, straighten it out, and experiment with reconnecting the ends in clever ways. But no matter what you do, the inside surface always ends up connecting to itself, and the outside attributes are the same... no matter how many times you might twist and turn the ends and reconnect them. And here's where it gets very strange and interdimensional. We'll describe how it works, but you won't understand it.
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